
  • Gabriel Pérez Almoza Filial Universitaria de Ciencias Médicas de Banes, Holguín. Cuba.
  • Luis Enrique Cortés Pérez Policlínico Universitario “César Fornet Fruto” de Banes, Holguín.
  • Lisandra María Cribeiro Sanz Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín, Cuba


Introduction: The suicidal conduct is defined as all act committed to the disadvantage of who executes it. At the municipality Banes a loud incidence of this problem of health exists; Even when exists in Cuba the National Program for his prevention, control and treatment. Hypnotherapeutic protocol for the suicidal conduct in teens accomplished a study of quasi experimental type for the sake of designing a protocol itself. Method: The sign got shaped of intentional way by 75 teens identified with suicidal conducts in Psychology and Psychyatry consultations, identified for risk of suicidal attempt in the studied period. Inventories to evaluate levels applied Been Feature themselves as much as to anxiety and depression, and the inventory Coopersmith for self-steem. Results: As from intervention, it was managed to decrease the anxiety like been feature to the low level 91 and 97 % and depression just the same 93 and 99 %. The self-esteem evidenced an increase to a tall level (93 %). The moral values of McNemar for chi squared calculated (67,7-142,72) proved to be statistically significant. Conclusions: Protocol is effective for the suppression of the suicidal intention, increases the levels of self-esteem and decreases anxiety and depression like correlated alterations the suicidal conduct.

Author Biographies

Gabriel Pérez Almoza, Filial Universitaria de Ciencias Médicas de Banes, Holguín. Cuba.

Licenciado en Psicología. Máster en Salud Mental Comunitaria. Profesor Asistente. Filial Universitaria de Ciencias Médicas de Banes, Holguín. Cuba.

Luis Enrique Cortés Pérez, Policlínico Universitario “César Fornet Fruto” de Banes, Holguín.

Licenciada en Psicología. Profesor instructor. Policlínico Universitario “César Fornet Fruto” de Banes, Holguín. Cuba.

Lisandra María Cribeiro Sanz, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín, Cuba

Licenciado en Psicología. Master en Medicina Natural y Tradicional. Profesor Asistente. Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín, Cuba.


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How to Cite

Pérez Almoza, G., Cortés Pérez, L. E., & Cribeiro Sanz, L. M. (2021). PROTOCOL HYPNOTHERAPEUTIC FOR THE SUICIDE CONDUCT IN THE ADOLESCENCE: PROTOCOLO HIPNOTERAPÉUTICO PARA LA CONDUCTA SUICIDA. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 12(1), 214–227. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

