
  • Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus


Developmental pedagogy; social interaction.


This article deals with the essence of proximal development zone as the basis of developmental pedagogy. Here Vigotskian ideas were presented that decisively influence the thought curriculum, the real, the unseen, null, hidden, as well as the taught and learned. On this occasion the idea that human development can be explained in terms of social interaction was displayed. This was done by highlighting theoretical insufficiencies not revealed so far, such as the help of others more advantaged; revealing new contents to already existing concepts, such as the irregular scope of the development zones of each student and the distances between them; and coherently inserting new concepts to their conception, such as the proximal development zone of groups, teachers, administrators and parents.

Author Biography

Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus

Licenciado en Educación, especialidades Matemática-Computación y Lenguas Extranjeras (Inglés). Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Centro de Estudios Pedagógicos de la Universidad de Las Tunas, Cuba.


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How to Cite

Gamboa Graus, M. E. . (2019). PROXIMAL DEVELOPMENT ZONE AS THE BASIS OF DEVELOPMENTAL PEDAGOGY. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 10(4), 33–50. Retrieved from

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