training; promotion; quality; Pedagogical model.Abstract
Entrepreneurship has positioned itself within universities as one of the important issues, considering that disciplinary training is not enough to perform successfully in today's world; It is also necessary to build capacities and offer life alternatives for future professionals with competencies in the 21st century. Governments have also linked it within their agendas and have structured plans, programs and projects to strengthen it, understanding that their promotion can contribute to the economic and social development of the countries. In this sense, as part of this policy, legal bodies have been regulated within the legal systems as a policy of promotion towards a culture of entrepreneurship. The objective of this work is to explain some theoretical elements of the university environment interaction and its relationship with entrepreneurship. It is concluded that, in recent years, universities have implemented new models to cope with social demands, due to the high rates of youth unemployment, the reduction of budgets in education and the increase in the competence of the subjects of management. In addition, in Latin America, despite the advances observed in both ecosystems, there is insufficient evidence to recognize that there is an entrepreneurial society whose growth, competitiveness and sustainability are related to entrepreneurial initiatives.
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