Design of educational situations; knowledge construction; teaching-learning; educational strategies; educational innovation.Abstract
This article gathers the results of the implementation of the theoretical-practical seminar-workshop held with the objective of training the target audience in the development of teaching strategies to design innovative educational situations that effectively promote the construction of knowledge in the teaching-learning process, as part of the activities of the ED-2761 project registered in the Social Action Vice-Rectory of the University of Costa Rica (Vicerrectoría de Acción Social de la Universidad de Costa Rica - UCR). The target public was the university community of the University of Costa Rica and representatives of the local community of the Pococí location. The investigation implemented was qualitative, focusing on the descriptive design. Primary information was obtained through data gathered by applying a survey addressed to the participants. This facilitated obtaining relevant data to get to the respective conclusions in the light of the results evidenced. Secondary information was obtained through a bibliographical revision of digital documents, such as articles published in congresses, international magazines, thesis, among others. Main results showed that all the participant audience said that they will immediately implement in their professional performance the teaching strategies facilitated, as an educational innovative process through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to improve and transform, not only the processes, but also the teaching strategies currently used. Finally, it is concluded that the academic activity developed was of interest and that it complied with the expectations and learning objectives of the participants and of the project promotors.
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