English oral and written communication essentials through the 5E methodology

Fundamentos de la comunicación oral y escrita en inglés a través de la metodología 5E

Maria de la Caridad Smith Batson[1]

Mabel Linch Aguilera[2]


This study investigates the challenges of English language teaching-learning in Cuba and proposes the 5E methodology as a solution to enhance communication skills. Current practices often fall short, with ineffective methods and inadequate teacher training hindering student development. The 5E model, emphasizing engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and evaluation, promotes active student learning and aligns with constructivist principles. By incorporating this approach, teachers can foster a more dynamic and engaging learning environment, improve student motivation, and ultimately enhance their oral and written communication skills in English. The study explores the theoretical underpinnings of the 5E model, its implementation strategies, and its potential benefits for both students and teachers. It also addresses strategies from the didactic point of view, with methodological recommendations based on theoretical foundations of this methodology. It is also based on the micro-curriculum organized to carry out the mechanical, meaningful and communicative practice in the classroom, as a learning goal for oral and written communication today, with the intention to reinforce the teaching of micro-oral and written communication skills in a cyclical way in correspondence with levels of pedagogical-didactic-methodological help offered for the planning, execution and control of the 5E lesson, lead to the achievement of didactic coherence of the teacher, which is also favored by the integration of contents of other subjects of the curriculum of the grade in each case, which brings communication in the foreign language closer to real life. Theoretical and empirical level methods were used to convey the veracity of the information.

Keywords: teacher, learner, 5E methodology, micro-skills, oral and written communication.


Este estudio investiga retos de la enseñanza-aprendizaje del inglés en Cuba y propone la metodología 5E como solución para mejorar las habilidades comunicativas. Las prácticas actuales, a menudo con métodos ineficaces, sustentadas en una formación inadecuada obstaculizan el desarrollo de los alumnos. El modelo de las 5E, hace hincapié en el compromiso, la exploración, la explicación, la elaboración y la evaluación, promueve el aprendizaje activo y se ajusta a principios constructivistas. Al incorporar este enfoque, los profesores pueden fomentar un entorno de aprendizaje más dinámico y atractivo, mejorar la motivación de los estudiantes y mejorar sus destrezas comunicativas orales y escritas en inglés. El estudio explora los fundamentos teóricos del modelo 5E, estrategias de implementación y beneficios potenciales tanto para estudiantes como para profesores. También aborda estrategias didácticas, y ofrece recomendaciones metodológicas basadas en fundamentos teóricos de esta metodología, basadas en el microcurrículo organizado para desarrollar la práctica mecánica, significativa y comunicativa en el aula, para el aprendizaje de la comunicación oral y escrita, para reforzar la enseñanza de las microhabilidades comunicativas orales y escritas de forma cíclica en correspondencia con niveles de ayuda pedagógico-didáctico-metodológicas ofrecidos para la planificación, ejecución y control de la clase 5E, que conducen a lograr una coherencia didáctica, que además se favorece por la integración de contenidos de otras asignaturas del currículo del grado, lo que acerca la comunicación en la lengua extranjera a la vida real. Para transmitir la veracidad de la información se utilizaron métodos de nivel teórico y empírico.

Palabras clave: docente, alumno, metodología 5E, microhabilidades, comunicación oral y escrita


The world's current affairs and development in all areas are driven by the results of scientific studies including the intervention and mastery of communication skills in English, as a vehicular language, it constitutes an indispensable instrument hence; its teaching is not to be underestimated; its ongoing teaching-learning is crucial, predominantly the didactic coherence that a professional in this field must acquire to teach how to communicate particular contents. The English subject should continue its improvement and the didactic coherence of the teacher is called to reach upper developmental stages, therefore, a call for professional improvement should be pursued.

The teaching-learning of English as a foreign language in Cuba still does not favor the development of skills for the desired communication in this language, necessary for cultural, scientific and sports exchange, to refer to just a few examples, if compared with the results in other fields and contexts, or with those of education in general. Some methodological considerations are explored in this study, with a view to overcoming some persistent inadequacies in the Cuban educational system, and the proposal is the use of a methodological approach that has been widely exploited and that yields excellent results worldwide. This is the 5E methodology.

This methodology comprises engaging and involving, exploring, explaining, elaborating and evaluating the student;  issues that are not followed in an efficient cyclical manner at present, as revealed by in-depth surveys carried out to graduates of different generations, from which it is inferred that neither were the preceding generations, by the way they refer to their learning. It is assumed then that the teaching-learning of the English language in Spanish-speaking contexts faces many adversities and eclecticism. Among other elements these ones are found:

- The use of ineffective didactic approaches that make the subject abstract, little and difficult to learn, so it attracts students less than other subjects in the curriculum and the results are evidently deficient.

- The necessary integration there should be between the teaching and learning of English and the rest of the school curriculum is still inadequate, ineffective and inaccurate, sometimes left to spontaneity, without conscious planning, as the idea Smith, (2022) defends.

On the other hand, the following aspects constitute a big challenge for the teaching-learning of English: not having specialized spaces, large groups of students and little time dedicated to extracurricular and extracurricular activities that favor the development of skills and habits in the foreign language; the insufficient use of information and communication technologies to teach how to learn the foreign language for communication, closely linked to the previously stated insufficiency.

Thus, sometimes, the teaching staff is lacking of updated paper-based materials in their private libraries, in addition to the reduced use of the Internet by some teachers, in pursuit of their continuous and deprived quality professional improvement and an underprivileged linguistic background of the teachers' learning of the English language, as well as inadequate didactic patterns that they follow. It is also evident the lack of competence of teachers in pedagogical issues for the teaching-learning of English, as is the case of working with large groups for the development of habits and skills in the foreign language.

Unfortunately, there is not yet a change of mentality that favors the use of the communicative approach to foreign language teaching, in a unanimous way and in the light of global thinking, as some teaching methods teaching for communication are currently inappropriate, which reveals an inefficient follow-up to the didactic training of teachers and tutors of the educational contexts where the training of future professionals takes place during the practicum period, to which teachers in training are inserted at the  primary, secondary, pre-university, professional technical and adult education levels.

This limits the students in the different grades in the levels to exhibit an appropriate performance in oral and written communication, due to the unwise planning of the teaching-learning process for communication in the foreign language, Smith (2020; 2021; 2022). Difficulties in the formation of didactic coherence of teachers are closely related to traditional teaching approaches centered on the teacher, which do not conceive the student as the center of the process, in interaction with the rest of the group, commonly used in English classrooms in Cuba.

Observations of the planning process reveal the above situation. The didactic coherence of teachers should be closely related to productive methods offered in sessions of professional development and refreshment courses lead by expertise teachers and English advisors, to facilitate the development of students' responsibility for their learning, together with the tasks they develop in and out of the classroom environment, which encourage them to use communicative functions mostly connected to everyday life.

Moreover, it is necessary that the postgraduate training favors the application of strategies that help teachers to organize the micro-curriculum for the development of a professional pedagogical awareness of their way of acting with the purpose of achieving advanced levels of oral and written communication in the English language, based on the underlying theory of engaging and involving the student to explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate/self-evaluate the development of their skills in the foreign language.

The 5E methodology, based on constructivism, can help both practicing teachers to face the teaching-learning of communication of students at different educational levels, while solving professional problems that arise in this context and spheres of action.


The imperative of extending beyond the mother tongue today

It is important to join the global thinking of recognizing the importance of English as a foreign language for academic, economic, cultural, professional and other exchanges between nations and cultures, to transcend what has been achieved so far in terms of teaching-learning of this language as a foreign language, as well as for professional purposes, which is responsible for developing habits, skills, abilities and competencies in communication in English, necessary to achieve the desired and necessary development of scientific and technical progress.

Teaching and learning have always been demanding for teachers and students. Teaching English as a second and foreign language calls for expertise, appropriate pedagogy, techniques and methods to meet the learners' perceived needs. Furthermore, the success in English in general and ESP, in particular, is extremely required so that devoid of a sound knowledge of the English language, students cannot make advancement in their majors, according to Khalil & Semono, (2020).

The planning-execution of the teaching-learning process of English for oral and written communication, based on the identification and use of curriculum organizers, constitutes, from the author's perspective, the basis for the improvement of the English subject, because it is sought that the 5E class methodology, according to its terminology in English, establishes the demands of the teaching-learning process of English for oral and written communication, while meeting the demands of continuous improvement and training, whose concretion starts from the planning of the teaching-learning process.

Teacher's role in the organization of the curriculum for the development of micro-skills in English teaching

There are necessary topics that underlie the content system, to develop communication, as well as culture in the students, which are distinguished by their emphasis on aspects that are integrated with foreign language didactics. For this, it is necessary to articulate the design, planning, execution and control of the teaching-educational process linked to the communicative function, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary in the classroom, by including sociocultural elements in the classroom, to teach, thereby enhancing the formation of values, attitudes and norms of behavior in the classroom, school and social context.

When teaching to communicate with precision and fluency in the foreign language, the methodology of the 5E class focuses on planning a process that engages and involves the student to consciously explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate their learning process. Teachers formulate, investigate and construct new understanding on the basis of what they have learned in advance, and give meaning to students' experiences by linking learning to everyday life and the world around them (Smith, 2020).

Theoretical considerations on the 5E methodology for its implementation with a didactic coherence of the teacher

Flourishing learning in foreign and second language is influenced by appropriate and updated teaching methods. Lately in foreign language learning and teaching, the proposal of teaching in a Constructivist Approach has become a devoted interest, hence; there are different models such as the 5E Model and the 5E Model with this purpose. The 5E Model is the best acknowledged among the models within a Constructivist Learning Theory. (Yiğit, 2011).

The 5E Instructional Model is used to help students develop their abilities to communicate comprehend, read, write and learn grammar in English. The Model contains different activities designed to enhance and motivate students to interact and participate actively in the learning process. Moreover, this model enables them to develop their perceptions and constructs about the skills they need to improve by using their prior knowledge (Begović 2020).

Graphic 1. Representation of the 5E methodology model.

Descripción: D:\TRABAJO PERSONAL\Myriam Maestra Primaria antigua formadora\5E Model\Diapositiva3.JPG

Source: Authors own elaboration.

From the non-personal components of the teaching-learning process formulated the indicators o be consider necessary to declare the didactic coherence that, from didactic-methodological aspects, the teacher must contemplate in order to develop oral and written communication in the development of oral and written communication in the development of the 5E methodology.

The purpose of this study has been to unveil the effectiveness of using the 5 learning cycle model in the teaching-learning process of oral and written communication of the English language learning from its components; delimiting the necessary indicators to develop it coherently. In the same way, Pérez (2018) recognizes the importance of reasoned planning. This should be manifested in the treatment of the components. It means, from the dynamics of the teaching-learning process (González et al., 2007), to perform the derivation, determination and formulation of the objectives according to the integral development of the personality of the students, evidenced in the action, knowledge and educational intentionality. English classes have the potential for this and the teacher must know how to exploit them.

The objective

Thus, from the leading and guiding component: the objectives, the integration of the instructive, the educational and the developmental, so that from this triad, to attend together with the cognitive purposes, the intentions of the affective and psychomotor domains, and thus achieve effective communication, according to Smith, (2022).

Therefore, we consider that the indications emanating from official documents and auxiliary media orientations must be followed, in order to comply with what is indicated, expressing taxonomies of verbs to formulate the communicative functions that reveal in which actions the effect of learning will be tested, as well as to foresee the decomposition in partial goals and the ways for their fulfillment, that at the same time stimulate the protagonism of the students in the classroom and outside it to communicate in the target language, especially from the projection of active, creative and metacognitive work, starting from following a cycle of mechanical, meaningful and communicative practices of the student, to achieve the development of linguistic skills, which at the same time encourages research actions and communication of results of areas of daily life.

The Content

This element of Didactics of English prepares for the direction, that is, the planning, organization, execution and control of the teaching-learning process of English subjects in each grade, as an essence for the fulfillment of professional functions with creativity. Reason that enhances coherence with the context, penetrating into the essence of the developmental teaching-learning process. This implies determining the learning purposes required according to the needs, characteristics, interests, potentialities and demands of the environment, as well as foreseeing how the teaching-learning process will be evaluated and given feedback.

Regarding these, it is considered of great value, from the perspective assumed here, with a view to the deployment of the 5E methodology by the teacher, so that the student manages to get involved, explore, follow the explanation of the teacher or another more capable student, and then elaborate texts to communicate and self-evaluate his own learning; it is already productive.  It manifests the potential errors of the knowledge system, as well as the connections between them, with the organization of difficulties and potentialities for transformation. It implements the representation systems adequate to the system of skills, their relationships, limitations and potentialities according to the reality of those involved.

It also contemplates the realization of processes and routines relevant to daily human activity, such as conversation, and the establishment of relationships with others, so it relates the meanings with other interdisciplinary contents, using real data from everyday life supported by reliable sources of information and the formation of values from an ethical and aesthetic education, thus incorporating new knowledge according to the system of experiences of the students' activity, which can achieve the use of technological resources in correspondence with the possibilities and culture of those involved.

The methods

A selection of teaching-learning methods and procedures capable of fostering developmental learning should be “productive, participatory, promoting the development of teaching-learning strategies and interdisciplinarity, creative, carrying the integration of instructional, educational and affective-cognitive aspects, conditioning intrinsic motivations and interpersonal communication” (Gonzalez et al., 2007, p. 69).

In the case of their adequate selection, reflective activity and metacognitive regulation, the analysis of the meanings and forms of representation of speech, according to geographical regions, are propitiated to achieve the integration of elements of the culture of English-speaking countries and other sociocultural contents, which makes it possible to promote communication, interaction and criticism, in integration of cognitive development with emotional development and social development.

It is evident the integration of the didactic functions of the teaching-learning process for the assimilation of the content, which facilitates the inclusion of the students in the dynamics of the class in correspondence with their learning styles and not the exclusion. In this, the teacher pays attention to the distribution of time according to the contents of the communicative theme in question, the degree of difficulty of the communicative function, the grammatical content for its realization, the requirements of pronunciation in the target language and the vocabulary related to it. This preparation process takes place taking into account the results of the diagnosis.

Cooperative learning is encouraged, which stimulates students to teach each other, promoting the progressive transition from dependence to independence, self-regulation and creativity, when knowledge, habits, skills, abilities, skills and modes of mental activity of the students are continuously systematized, also trying to integrate the previous knowledge. Undoubtedly, the productive and creative attitude of the language is encouraged in the learning process, because the didactic resources are used by the teacher in correspondence with the individual development of each student and this is favored with the available technological resources.

Cooperative learning principles and techniques are tools which teachers use to encourage mutual helpfulness in the groups and the active participation of all members. Most experts on cooperative learning suggest that teacher-selected groups work best, at least until students become proficient at collaboration. Teacher-selected groups usually aim to achieve a heterogeneous mix. Such a mix promotes peer tutoring, helps to break down barriers among different types of students, and encourages on-task behavior. (Jacobs et al., 2002).

The teaching-learning media

The use of teaching-learning media stimulates the acquisition of knowledge in order to communicate it for social purposes. The teacher employs and makes use of the varied specific specialized bibliography available, which includes the use of resources available online, so that students learn by themselves or with the help of others more capable, and also makes use of audiovisual resources and systems of standard exercises that go through the stages of mechanical, meaningful and communicative practice, carrying the planned content.

On the other hand, the use of common materials, where the life, history, customs and culture of countries that speak the language can be appreciated in action, together with the development of skills for the search for information, the interpretation of different sources, critical selection, filing, cooperative work and argumentation, go hand in hand with the adequate and productive use of the teaching media by the teacher.

Forms of organization

The forms of organization should be: “flexible, dynamic, meaningful, attractive, guaranteeing student involvement, and encouraging independent work in close relation to group work” (González et al., 2007, p. 71). The classification criterion of organizational forms in middle school, presented by Calzado (2007a; 2007b), is assumed. In this, the activities of attention to individual differences (contest, projects, and learning difficulties), excursions or visits of interest stand out; in this particular case, it has been suggested to concentrate them in real scenarios.

These encourage an active participation of the students, as long as they are conceived with a base of active transforming orientation, and promote a balance between collective and individual activity, by employing various forms that activate collaboration in the teaching-learning process, while stimulating individual or collective self-preparation of the students during independent work without the presence of the teacher.

The use of appropriate forms of organization, when there is a descriptive profile of the group of students, expands the spaces for training beyond the classroom, in collaboration between the school, the family and the community, to experience communication in the different contexts in which it takes place, creating spaces for consultation and joint productive action among acquaintances, whether in the classroom or outside it.

The creation of circles of interest, the implementation of communication clubs, projects or other forms that stimulate good speech in the foreign language in everyday situations, are very conducive to encourage students to communicate in the foreign language, because these spaces provide sequences for exercise, the completion of tasks and other activities that serve the integral development of students in situations of remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating. These spaces enhance the development towards higher levels of performance with more complex tasks adapted to individual differences, when extension and reinforcement activities are included, about Cuban culture and English-speaking countries at the same time.

This undoubtedly leads to self-evaluation, co-evaluation and evaluation per se, which promotes metacognitive activity in order to put them in a position to develop them, when the discussion of alternatives and procedures for the solution of teaching tasks is promoted. Emotional support is added here in favor of attitudes, motivations, feelings and self-confidence, to stimulate reflection on the impact of culture on development in the context, the locality and the world, which incorporates dissimilar new ways and moments of oral evaluation, mostly in situations of equality from a dialectic of the activity-communication pair, which engages them in the production of language for the communication of the subjects they study, and collaboration is possible.


Evaluation, in the planning of the teaching-learning process of English for communication, should be “developmental, procedural, holistic, contextualized, democratic, formative, qualitative, investigative, systematic, that contemplates the re-evaluation of errors which take into account indicators that guarantee its objectivity that promotes and goes through forms such as hetero-evaluation, co-evaluation and self-evaluation” (González et al., 2007, p. 72). Thus, language development goes from the simple to the complex and from the known to the unknown.

Curriculum organizers

The definition of curriculum organizers has been adapted for the purposes of this article, in order to add new elements to those provided by Rico (1998), which offer greater scientific rigor. These are defined as “that knowledge that is adopted as fundamental components to articulate the design, development and evaluation of didactic units”. (Rico, 1998, cited by Smith, 2021, p. 39); their influence on the different components of the curriculum is in correspondence with the limitations of teachers for their professional work in the educational system.

In this particular case, they are used with a professional pedagogical approach for the formation of didactic coherence in teachers, which implies the development of pedagogical strategies, thus favoring that the entire micro-curriculum is focused on learning to teach how to learn to communicate. For the case of the formative process of the Didactics of Foreign Languages during the training of professionals, this author delimited:

- The gradual derivation of objectives from the level to the classroom.

- The delimitation of the educational component according to the linguistic component.

- The treatment of mechanical, meaningful and communicative practice of pronunciation, lexis, grammar, communicative functions and the four verbal skills in general.

- Working with large groups to teach communication in a foreign language.

- The usual errors of Spanish speakers detected in the learning process.

- The diversity of learners, taking into account their ages.

- Practical applications of instructional and educational content in the classroom.

- The diversity of materials and technological resources for teaching communication.

- The pedagogical sense of art in general and of a song in particular to reinforce vocabulary, grammar and communicative functions.

However, as a particularity of the teaching-learning process of communication in the English language, the author herself singles them out as follows:

- The gradual derivation of unit objectives for each class.

- The establishment of the educational component derived from the linguistic component.

- The cyclical treatment of the mechanical, meaningful and communicative practice of the communicative function to attend to and correct pronunciation, lexis, grammar, with special attention to the usual errors of Spanish speakers in learning the target language.

- Working with large groups, taking into account the diversity of the learners and specializing in the treatment of individual differences, for learning communication in the foreign language.

- Practical applications of instructional and educational content in the classroom, with emphasis on intercultural communication.

- The varied and diverse use of materials and technological resources for teaching communication, with suggestions for online work.

- The pedagogical use of art to reinforce vocabulary, grammar and communicative functions.

In summary, the characteristics analyzed for each component constitute a reference for the planning of the English teaching-learning process. Also constituting components of lesson planning are the didactic functions: assurance of the starting level or preparation for the new subject, orientation towards the objective, treatment of the new subject, consolidation and control (Hedesa, 2013; 2015; Pino et al., 2015). The last authors referred to manifest the need for the teaching of methodological procedures through the teaching-learning process and not as a parallel activity to it.

Advantages of using the 5E methodology for the teaching-learning of oral and written communication in English in the classroom

There is evidence of progress in the mastery of knowledge that students develop with the application of this particular methodology. The mere fact of getting them to get involved, explore, follow the explanation of the teacher or of another more capable student, to then elaborate texts and communicate, which creates the capacity to self-evaluate, evaluate their classmates, while the student receives feedback, to continue developing capacities and skills inherent to the learning process, as well as the development of linguistic skills, is significant and valuable.

On the other hand, among the strategies that offer the greatest help to the development of classes based on the 5E methodology is the organization of the micro-curriculum with contents that involve the teaching of the foreign language from contents of other subjects, achieving significance in what the student learns from and for life. It is an education based on the experience of real life.

Therefore, the actions that the teacher develops in the classroom establish and contextualize the relationships between the thematic axes of each class unit with the organizers of the curriculum, which favor what the student knows, giving a transition from the known to the unknown. Thus, the experiences and expressions of the surrounding world bring the student closer to the communication of significant issues to think, feel and act in the use of language. By practically implementing the content of a class unit of a grade level, all that has been learned is deployed, aware of what, how, what and for what purpose to communicate.

This generates commitments and responsibilities for their own learning, and the student's involvement, teachers capture their attention through integrative tasks, related to daily life experiences and the surrounding world, such as the narration of a story or events related to this and formulate key questions that attract their curiosity. The objective is to detect prior knowledge, interests or experiences about the topic, which may be erroneous in some cases and redirected towards the right thing with the action of the teacher or a student (Smith 2021).

The 5E methodology helps the students to internalize knowledge and skills they can apply to real-world situations. By asking questions, making observations, collaborating with their peers students construct their own understanding of the subject matter. Another important advantage of the 5E methodology is its adaptability. Teachers can use it  to design lessons for a wide range of learners, including those with different learning styles and skills. Furthermore, this model provides a clear framework that makes it easy to meet the needs of different students.

However, for exploration, teachers provide sufficient resources, from guiding actions to develop independent study with deeper inquiry. Questions focus on finding and/or reformulating ways, of saying, interacting with precedent knowledge from other subjects and/or previous grades, which provide precise contexts.

Meanwhile, teachers manage interaction among learners for different forms of language practice and provide clear information about vocabulary, methodologies for working with the teaching-learning process for different ages, and the didactic components of the English teaching-learning process. (Smith 2021)

In the explanation phase, teachers have the opportunity to present and explain their explorations and socialize the main ideas, making use of the blackboard, technology or other means available to present information, today the use of voice alone is not supported. However, in the elaboration phase, intellectual and professional skills that constitute challenges or problematic situations in everyday life within the profession are trained (Smith, 2021) such as:

- The group management of the teaching-learning process of English in large groups, with a communicative-interactive approach and the need to develop the individual potential of the students in order to develop communicative skills in the foreign language.

- The diagnosis and characterization of the student, the group, the family and community environment in which he/she lives, particularly with regard to the development of communicative skills in the English language.

- The need for students to develop the level of communicative competence aspired at each level, allowing them to use English in different communicative situations in a respectful and empathetic manner, with respect for the cultural diversity of the different regions of the world.

- The level of real development that children, adolescents and young people have in the different levels of education to communicate in English and the need for them to develop communication skills and learning strategies for communication in a gradual and cyclical manner, allowing them to move towards the zone of proximal development.

- The formation of attitudes and behavioral norms in the classroom and the school and social context that favors intercultural communication in the English language in a respectful and empathetic way, based on the recognition and respect for the linguistic and cultural diversity that characterizes today's world in correspondence with their own cultural identity.

- The incorporation of infotechnological resources in the teaching-learning process and the need for their effective use in terms of the development of communicative skills in the English language for an appropriate communicative performance in correspondence with the teaching level.

- The systematic evaluation of the results of their work, the projection of solutions and the constant improvement of their educational work, professional self-improvement, through educational research, methodological work and self-improvement.

On the other hand, in this same phase, the mastery of the professional pedagogical mode of action and the development of the teacher's personality to respond to the demands of his or her work are ensured. The organizers of the curriculum are contextualized and their diversity integrates the subjects of the curriculum in order to apply the cognitive aspects of daily life and thus, link the affective aspects, so that pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and communicative functions are particularly reinforced, (Smith 2021).

In this proposal, the aim is to specify the systemic conception of the activities for the achievement of the goal: each activity directed by the teacher, seen in systemic conception and in a cyclical manner, for the development of micro-skills, is aimed at educating, from instruction, promoting the integral formation of the personality of each of the students, by not only considering the class as a universal form of organization of the process, but of taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the community context, the integration of contents of other subjects of the grade curriculum and other actions that are carried out by specialists, as in the case of those who are trained as Art Instructors in the Professional School of Art.

In the lessons:

- select, plan and execute the contents, from each of the didactic functions in the class system.

- The educational activities are elaborated according to this formative context.

- the methodological methods and procedures, teaching means and forms of organization become components that stimulate to the maximum the individual potentialities of each student and of the group, from a developmental perspective of teaching and learning for intercultural communication.

Therefore, in the treatment of the planning of the teaching-learning process in each of the units, this particular didactic responds to the pedagogical and didactic approach assumed by the National Education System. Hence, the requirements point towards the demands of these approaches, gradually directed towards the needs of the context.  The curricular transformations have been consistent with these demands and the use of specialized texts and literature elaborated by the teacher has become a necessity, so as not to limit the updating of the planning content. In addition, this is reduced to the conception as a skill, concretized in the methodological treatment of the unit, the class system and the class.

Thus, contents in English are inserted, such as:

- The parts of a guitar

- The parts of a piano

- The parts of a theater and the stage

This has had an impact on the ways of executing the process, which still respond to an academic didactic model, centered on content, limited in the link to real scenarios and in the use of contextual resources and evaluation for communication in the foreign language.

Graphic 1. The parts of a piano.

Source: https://hellomusictheory.com 



This theoretical-methodological conception of the Didactics of English is based on the complementary relationships established between the foundations of General Didactics and the experience accumulated in this area of knowledge, the contents of the subjects of the year in Pre-university Education and the modes of action of the professional of the arts (music and dance). The above is concretized in what Lenin expressed “From living contemplation to abstract thought and from it to practice, such is the dialectical path of the knowledge of truth, of the knowledge of objective reality”. (Lenin 1990).


The 5E methodology is an active and flexible tool for classroom instruction that encourages active, student-­centered learning, promotes higher-ordered thinking skills and can be modified to meet the needs of a diverse range of students  to propitiate advancement and success in the learning process.

The actual existing state of affairs surrounding the direction of the English teaching learning process made possible the elaboration of the didactic strategy to optimize it, to develop pedagogic professional guidance on practicing teachers. In its logic, it reveals the essential relationships between theory, practice and didactic coherence for work, as principles and support for the permanent training of the English teacher, in the fulfillment of professional functions and tasks. Thus, the proposal is essentially for teachers at the basic secondary and pre-university levels.

The pedagogic professional guidance contributes to lead students from dependence to independence and self-transformation of their own learning for oral and written communication. By attending to the organizers of the curriculum, it contributes to enriching the assumptions of the pedagogic professional guidance as an unavoidable element of lifelong learning. In the stages of the didactic strategy, the distinction is made between the logical and epistemological aspects of the professional functions and tasks, which allows a better understanding and interpretation of the professional work in the different contexts of action, and for the integrated content of the subjects of the curriculum, which is summarized in how the class and the micro-curriculum itself are organized and planned.

The actions are based on the pedagogical core of foreign language didactics, its categories, principles and laws; they are characterized by being flexible, systemic, guiding, developing and transforming, of the contents taught, now, and with an eminently communicative character and nature. The objectives are established centered on it, so that the actions favor the organization of the process with that purpose, so that the teacher realizes its relevance through its instrumentation, while developing a professional awareness for the oral and written communication of their students in English, and solves the professional problems that arise.


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Khalil, L., & Semono-Eke, B. K. (2020). Appropriate Teaching Methods for General English and English for Specific Purposes from Teachers' Perspectives. Arab World English Journal, 11(1) 253-269. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.24093/awej/vol11no1.19  

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[1] Licenciada en Educación, Especialidad inglés. Máster en Desarrollo Social. Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación. Profesora Titular del Centro de Estudios Pedagógicos en la Universidad de Las Tunas, Cuba, correo electrónico, cariemay@ult.edu.cu registro ORCID (https://0000-0002-4414-0772).

2 Licenciada en Educación, Especialidad inglés. Máster en Educación. Profesora Auxiliar del Departamento Lenguas Extranjeras en la Universidad de Las Tunas, Cuba, correo electrónico, lmabel878@gmail.com ORCID (https:// 0009-0004-6659-5200).